Results for 'Megumi Andrade Kobayashi'

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  1.  15
    Escritura, cuerpo y gestualidad en Cy Twombly.Megumi Andrade Kobayashi - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):40-60.
    Este ensayo está dedicado a la serie grey paintings del artista norteamericano Cy Twombly. A partir de un análisis de Panorama y Cold Stream, planteo que la serie se vincula a formas de inscripción asociadas, simultáneamente, a lo verbal y lo pictórico. Si bien no es posible identificar letras ni palabras, estas obras manifiestan un estrecho vínculo con una dimensión gestual y corporal de la escritura. En mi análisis establezco relaciones con inscripciones arcaicas, con la criptografía, y con procesos de (...)
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    Ōmori Shōzō and Kotodama Theory: How Can We Overcome the Need for Bodily Encounters?Maki Sato - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):101-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ōmori Shōzō and Kotodama Theory: How Can We Overcome the Need for Bodily Encounters?Maki SatoIntroductionŌmori Shōzō is known for his theory of tachi-araware monism. Tachiaraware monism is his attempted counter-argument to the Cartesian dualism of the object–subject divide, or in his words, a divide between physical (butsuri, mono, science, object) and non-physical consciousness (ishiki, koto, perception, incident), perception (chikaku, 知覚) and conception (shikō, 思考). His concept of Kasane-egaki is (...)
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  3. Learning during anesthesia: A review.Jackie Andrade - 1995 - British Journal of Psychology 86:479-506.
  4. (1 other version)Sobre la desigualdad de las culturas.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 59 (2):61-86.
    Este ensayo critica la postura del multiculturalismo, movimiento filosóficopolítico en boga que defiende la igualdad de las culturas, pero ésta no está implicada en la igualdad natural de los hombres, y el relativismo, que defiende la igualdad de las culturas, es problemático desde un punto de vista lógico. La noción misma de igualdad llevaría a la conclusión paradójica de que las sociedades igualitarias son superiores a las sociedades jerárquicas. Igualmente, amerita destacar la singularidad de Occidente respecto a otras culturas. Pero (...)
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  5. A natureza do poder E as ilusões do contrato social em Robert filmer.Luiz Felipe Netto de Andrade & Silva Sahd - 2005 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 10 (1).
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  6. Peirce’s Imaginative Community: On the Esthetic Grounds of Inquiry.Bernardo Andrade - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (1):1-21.
    Departing from Anderson’s (2016) suggestion that there are three communities in Peirce’s thought corresponding to his three normative sciences of logic, ethics, and esthetics, I argue that these communities partake in a relationship of dependence similar to that found among the normative sciences. In this way, just as logic relies on ethics which relies on esthetics, so too would a logical community of inquirers rely on an ethical community of love, which would rely on an esthetic community of artists. A (...)
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  7. Alienações do mundo, de Rodrigo Alves Neto.Pedro Duarte de Andrade - 2009 - Princípios 16 (26):299-305.
    Resenha do livro de: ALVES NETO, Rodrigo Ribeiro. Alienações do mundo: uma interpretaçáo da obra de Hannah Arendt . Rio de Janeiro/Sáo Paulo: Editora PUC-Rio/Edições Loyola, 2009, 216 p.
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  8. A Contentious Trinity: Levels of Entailment in Brandom’s Pragmatist Inferentialism.Edgar Andrade-Lotero & Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (1):41-53.
    We investigate the relations among Brandom’s three dimensions of semantic inferential articulation, namely, incompatibility entailments, committive consequences, and permissive consequences. In his unpublished manuscript “Conceptual Content and Discursive Practice” Brandom argues that (1) incompatibility entailment implies committive consequence, and that (2) committive consequence in turn implies permissive consequence. We criticize this hierarchy both on internal and external grounds. Firstly, we prove that, using Brandom’s own definitions, the reverse of (1) also holds, and that the reverse of (2) may hold (but (...)
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    Leishmaniasis entomological field studies: Ethical issues.Fernando Andrade-narvaez, Silvia B. Canto-lara & Maria Rosario Garcia-misdels - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (3):157-160.
    Occupational health remains neglected in developing countries because of competing social, economic and political challenges. Ethical issues in the workplace related to the hazards and risks of becoming infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana , through the bite of naturally infected sand flies, is another area of concern that has been neglected as well. We report here the results of reviewing two entomological field studies carried out in our research center from 2003 to 2006. Eight students from our School of Biology (...)
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  10. Freedom and Praxis in Plotinus’s Ennead 6.8.1-6.Bernardo Portilho Andrade - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:e03031.
    In this paper, I argue that Plotinus does not limit the sphere of free human agency simply to intellectual contemplation, but rather extends it all the way to human praxis. Plotinus’s goal in the first six chapters of Ennead 6.8 is, accordingly, to demarcate the space of freedom within human practical actions. He ultimately concludes that our external actions are free whenever they actualize, in unhindered fashion, the moral principles derived from intellectual contemplation. This raises the question of how the (...)
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  11.  32
    Anna Carolina Krebs Pereira Regner.Roberto de Andrade Martins, Cibelle Celestino Silva & Maria Elice Brzezinski Prestes - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):362-364.
  12.  16
    Diferença e oposição: uma controvérsia.André Dias de Andrade - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):358-375.
    The work fulfill two purposes. The broad objective is to relativize the division between structuralism and its alleged overcoming or continuation, with post-structuralism. This takes place within a specific procedure: the way in which Saussure develops and precedes importante theses to Deleuze's philosophy of difference. It begins with the critic that Deleuze addresses to the structuralism of the former, as unable to grasp both the differentiation and the organization of the various forms of experience. The focus on Saussure is due (...)
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  13. Ensaio crítico sôbre os fundamentos da filosofia dialética.Almir de Andrade - 1971 - Rio de Janeiro.: Livaria J. Olympio Editôra.
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  14. Filósofos portugueses do séc. XVIII.António Alberto Banha de Andrade - 1957 - Lisboa,: Revista "Filosofia,".
    1. Martinho de Mendonça de Pina e Proença Homem.
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    Inda bebo no copo dos outros: por uma estética modernista: coletânea.Mário de Andrade - 2022 - Belo Horizonte, MG: Autêntica. Edited by Yussef Daibert Salomão de Campos.
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  16. The Role of Reflection and the Formation of the Concept of the Understanding in the CPR.Vera Cristina de Andrade Bueno - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida, Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. vol. 2, 121-133.
  17.  14
    Dios clemente y misericordioso: enfoques antropológicos: homenaje a Barbara Andrade.Barbara Andrade & Javier Quezada del Río (eds.) - 2012 - México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    The rise of magnetochemistry from Ritter to Hurmuzescu.Roberto de Andrade Martins - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 14 (2):157-182.
    Abstract This paper describes the early history of magnetochemistry: the search for chemical effects of magnetism in the nineteenth century. Some early researchers, such as Johann Wilhelm Ritter, attempted to reproduce with magnets the effects that had been produced by electricity and Volta’s battery. For several decades, researchers successively reported positive results and denied claims concerning the effect of magnetism in oxidation, electrolysis, reduction of metals from saline solutions, crystallisation, change of colour of vegetable tinctures and other chemical reactions. In (...)
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  19. Establishing Connections between Aristotle's Natural Deduction and First-Order Logic.Edgar José Andrade & Edward Samuel Becerra - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (4):309-325.
    This article studies the mathematical properties of two systems that model Aristotle's original syllogistic and the relationship obtaining between them. These systems are Corcoran's natural deduction syllogistic and ?ukasiewicz's axiomatization of the syllogistic. We show that by translating the former into a first-order theory, which we call T RD, we can establish a precise relationship between the two systems. We prove within the framework of first-order logic a number of logical properties about T RD that bear upon the same properties (...)
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    Razones para vivir y razones para esperar: homenaje al prof. Dr. D. José-Román Flecha Andrés.Andrades Ledo, Francisco José, Pena González, Miguel Anxo & Ángel Galindo García (eds.) - 2012 - Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.
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  21.  63
    Cultural cognition.Roy G. D'Andrade - 1989 - In Michael I. Posner, Foundations of Cognitive Science. MIT Press.
  22.  4
    Learning from Students' Ethical Dilemmas.Maureen Snow Andrade, Paige Gardiner & Jill Jasperson - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 21:17-34.
    Teaching ethics is a critical aspect of coursework in higher education business schools and to future business success. Recent research, however, indicates that business schools are focusing on the sustainability aspect of ethics, or grand challenges such as poverty and inequality, rather than helping students understand the underlying ethical considerations (Jaganjac 2024). A shift is needed to reclaim personal ethics education to develop future business leaders with the ability to act ethically. This calls for new pedagogies to help students form (...)
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  23. Affect, thought, and consciousness: The Freudian theory of psychic structuring from an evolutionary perspective.Victor Manoel Andrade - 2003 - Neuro-Psychoanalysis 5 (1):71-80.
  24.  49
    Alan Macfarlane: entre el mundo moderno y la sociedad tradicional.Gabriel Andrade - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (26):113-118.
    In this in ter view, the pres ti gious an thro - pol o gist, his to rian and T.V. anaouncer, Alan Macfarlane com ments on some of the is sues that have been ad dressed in his writ ings. His main the o ret i cal con cern has been to study the pe cu - liar con di tions that gave rise to the mod e..
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  25. El educando y su mundo: sus sombras.Ciro Schmidt Andrade - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 28 (28):14-35.
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  26. As duas faces do tempo.Almir de Andrade - 1971 - Rio de Janeiro,: Livraria J. Olympio Editôra.
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    Medical ethics and the trolley problem.Gabriel Andrade - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 12.
    The so-called Trolley Problem was first discussed by Philippa Foot in 1967 as a way to test moral intuitions regarding the doctrine of double effect, Kantian principles and utilitarianism. Ever since, a great number of philosophers and psychologists have come up with alternative scenarios to further test intuitions and the relevance of conventional moral doctrines. Given that physicians routinely face moral decisions regarding life and death, the Trolley Problem should be considered of great importance in medical ethics. In this article, (...)
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  28. Apostilla a “La coca en la colonia: cultura, negocio y satanismo”, de Ángel Muñoz.Gabriel Andrade - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 53 (2):109-112.
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    Escritos.Sônia Maria Viegas Andrade - 2009 - Belo Horizonte: Tessitura. Edited by Marcelo P. Marques.
    [1] Filosofia viva -- [2] Filosofia e arte -- [3] Vida filosófica.
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  30. Filosofía y naturaleza humana.Ciro Schmidt Andrade - 1987 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 60:404-415.
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  31. Immortality.Gabriel Andrade - 2011 - In James Fieser & Bradley Dowden, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
    Immortality is the indefinite continuation of a person’s existence, even after death. In common parlance, immortality is virtually indistinguishable from afterlife, but philosophically speaking, they are not identical. Afterlife is the continuation of existence after death, regardless of whether or not that continuation is indefinite. Immortality implies a never-ending existence, regardless of whether or not the body dies (as a matter of fact, some hypothetical medical technologies offer the prospect of a bodily immortality, but not an afterlife). Immortality has been (...)
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  32. Alfabetização, letramento E prática docente: As vozes dos professores que se divergem.Maria Eurácia Barreto de Andrade - 2013 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 3 (5):23-45.
    O artigo apresenta questões consideradas centrais na reflexão sobre o processo de alfabetização e letramento e as intervenções da prática docente. Inicialmente apresentamos uma ampla abordagem conceitual sobre os referidos temas no contexto da sala de aula, evidenciando a necessidade de ampliar as experiências letradas sem negar a base alfabética, pois ambos são fundamentais para que o sujeito possa participar autonomamente dos diferentes eventos sociais. Em seguida apresentamos alguns dados da pesquisa de campo a qual objetivou investigar como se dá (...)
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  33. Elementos de lógica.Primo Nunes de Andrade - 1972 - Rio de Janeiro;: [distribuição de AO Livro Técnico].
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    Eutanasia: aspectos éticos-médicos y jurídicos: la bioética y los conflictos en los confines de la vida.Ricardo Vaca Andrade (ed.) - 2009 - Quito: Universidad de Konstanz de Alemania.
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  35. Relación polémica de Miguel Antonio Caro con el b143143enthamismo.Carlos Valderrama Andrade - 1989 - Ideas Y Valores 38 (80):121-143.
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    Cognitive Performance during Anesthesia.Jackie Andrade, Rajesh Munglani, J. Gareth Jones & Alan D. Baddeley - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (2):148-165.
    This paper explores the changes in cognitive function which occur as someone "loses consciousness" under anesthesia. Seven volunteers attempted a categorization task and a within-list recognition test while inhaling air, 0.2% isoflurane, and 0.4% isoflurane. In general, performance on these tests declined as the dose of anesthetic was increased and returned to baseline after 10 min of breathing air. A measure of auditory evoked responding termed "coherent frequency" showed parallel changes. At 0.2% isoflurane, subjects could still identify and respond to (...)
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    In-sistencia y ex-sistencia: sistencia como categoría ontológica.Ciro E. Schmidt Andrade - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 48 (141):9-24.
    Sistencia surge como categoría ontológica que permite dar sustento a los entes y relacionarlos con el ser sin por ello perder la condición de cada uno de ellos. Dios se presenta como ser trascedente; y el humano y el mundo, como seres dependientes del ser en sí mismo. Palabras Clave: ontología, Dios, humano, mundo, existencia.
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  38.  20
    Is Cryocide an Ethically Feasible Alternative to Euthanasia?Gabriel Andrade & Maria Campo Redondo - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (5):443-457.
    While some countries are moving toward legalization, euthanasia is still criticized on various fronts. Most importantly, it is considered a violation of the medical ethics principle of non-maleficence, because it actively seeks a patient’s death. But, medical ethicists should consider an ethical alternative to euthanasia. In this article, we defend cryocide as one such alternative. Under this procedure, with the consent of terminally-ill patients, their clinical death is induced, in order to prevent the further advance of their brain’s deterioration. Their (...)
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  39. "Conclusión de" Hermenéutica analógica como paradigma educativo".Ciro Schmidt Andrade - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 28 (28):91-96.
  40.  13
    Da Escola de Samba À Escola Fundamental.Nívea Andrade - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 20:275-293.
    Através de narrativas sobre as práticas de uma professora brasileira, esta investigação busca pensar como docentes e discentes produzem currículos em seus cotidianos. Com a professora de artes, Cristiane Costa, e com apoio em Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre entre outros, busco desenvolver uma discussão sobre os estudos dos cotidianos, propondo-me compreender algumas possibilidades das táticas cotidianas de aprenderensinar.
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    The emergence of modern emotional power: governing passions in the French Grand Siècle.Daniel Pereira Andrade - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (3):465-491.
    This article aims to analyse the governmental rationalities that took passions as an object in the French seventeenth century, unleashing the modern transformation in emotional power. The classical question of the intertwining between emotions and rationality is approached through a cultural and historical perspective, analyzing historically situated discourses that define political rationalities that propose to govern, with specific techniques and objectives, certain “emotions”’ that are conceived in a certain way. Passions emerged as an object of government through the statement that (...)
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  42.  17
    Una isla llamada serendipia: Definiciones ético pedagógicas en el proyecto filosofar con niñxs.Sergio Raúl Andrade - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-20.
    This text proposes some lines of reflection and action related to a project that links philosophy and childhood, whose pedagogical and investigative activity has been developed in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, for more than twenty-five years. To do this we recover an experience of workshops with children and adults, in a continuous process of reflection on childhood and how children think about themselves. That experience focuses on imagining a particular space and time – living together on an island where (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Autoperfeição com hatha yoga.José Hermógenes de Andrade - 1967 - Rio de Janeiro,: Distribuidora Record.
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  44. Autonomía moral y deliberación en santo Tomás de Aquino.Ciro E. Schmidt Andrade - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (208):345-370.
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  45. O papel da abstração na instanciação da álgebra nas Regulae ad Directionem Ingenii.Érico Andrade - 2011 - Analytica (Rio) 15 (1):145-172.
    In this essay I will defend three points, the first being that Descartes- unlike the aristotelian traditon- maintained that abstraction is not a operation in which the intellect builds the mathematical object resorting to sensible ob- jects. Secondly I will demonstrate that, according to cartesian philosophy, the faculty of understanding has the ability to instatiate- within the process of abstraction- mathematical symbols that represent the relation between quantities, whether magnitude or multitude.And finally I will advocate that the lack of onthological (...)
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    Pedagogias do vestir e da moda na Segunda Guerra Mundial: as aparências da primeira-dama Darcy Vargas na presidência da Legião Brasileira de Assistência.Ivana Simili & Amanda Codolo Andrade - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (2).
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  47.  22
    Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Research Ethics - A Systematic Review.Gabriel Andrade-Hidalgo, Pedro Mio-Cango & Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-18.
    The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly transformed many people's lives, ChatGPT being a clear example, whose capabilities have substantially influenced the automation of tasks such as writing texts and providing information sources for researchers. This review article aims to understand the impact of AI on academic writing and why its use can be considered plagiarism. The Prism method was used to analyze the studies, which initially totaled 824, and after excluding them for duplicity and by title, a (...)
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  48.  20
    A irredutibilidade das paixões em Descartes.Érico Andrade - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (3):79-104.
    This article presents an alternative vision of the debate on the Cartesian dualism of mind and body. It is argued that the Cartesian dualism of substances does not serve to explain the human condition, which is notably marked by the compound mind and body. In this way I will try to show that the passions or emotions responsible for our mental states are derived from the interaction between the mind and the body, and can in no way be reduced to (...)
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  49. Decadentie of doemdenken?Christophe Andrades - forthcoming - Krisis.
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  50. Fundando la educaión: San Agustín y Santo Tomás.Es Andrade - 1996 - Sapientia 51 (199):29-40.
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